Fan Crater  •  Fan Crater  •  Fan Crater


Celebs, rockstars, the who’s who that everyone’s obsessed with—following their every move on social media is one thing. But, picture a closer connection, where people aren’t just another like or comment. Enter this game-changing platform, and I played a part in making it happen. Here’s a peek at how we brought fans and their heroes a bit closer together.
3 people icon
Client: Fan Crater
3 rectangular shapes
Project Type: Web App, Website
1 person with 4 curved lines surrounding
My Role: UX, UI
Dark mode web application


The new look of fan interaction
Fan Crater is a social platform aimed at audiences of nearly every age. The goal is to bring together notable people and groups with their most loyal and vocal fans. It’s not just a traditional fan club—it’s an entire ecosystem of products that facilitate one-to-one interactions. They enlisted my help to establish key design components, including a marketing website and a desktop application prototype. Appreciating the premium on your time, let’s dive directly into the tangible results.
Two concert tickets
Man talking into mobile device hands-free
Prototype and Launch Success
My designs impressed stakeholders, leading to a successful website launch and an app prototype. From sales to the engineering team, this work brought clarity and a morale boost across the board.
Engagement Innovations
I introduced a conversational approach to onboarding before large language model interactions were a norm. This approach aimed to enhanced user comfort and engagement to drive account setup completion.
Streamlined Sign-In/Sign-Up
My contribution introduced dynamic form fields for smooth sign-in and account creation. This concept demonstrated a simplified first impression, aimed at increased platform stickiness.


Fandom meets fidelity
FanCrater aimed to establish a special space for recognizable people and groups (Notables, as FanCrater dubs them) with their most devoted supporters (Superfans). Superfans subscribe on a monthly basis to access exclusive content from Notables, including videos, audio, and more. The twist is this experience goes beyond the typical fan club, offering genuine interactions with admired figures. For creators, this platform presents a new way to connect with enthusiastic fans and monetize their work.
Concert ticket
An influencer with pink hair striking a pose
Notable: Recognizable individuals, brands, or groups with a dedicated following.
A group of hipsters excited about social media
Superfans: Passionate supporters seeking deeper connections with their idols.

Understanding The Target Market

FanCrater’s target audience is broad, encompassing notable individuals, groups, and brands, along with Superfans of various ages and interests. For Notables—whether they are brands, personalities, or groups (starting with musicians)—they must have a following of some sort.
For Superfans, the target is both men and women aged 14 and up, with diverse interests—initially focusing on music—who seek closer or more advanced access to celebrities or personalities they admire. Armed with insights into the target market, I started designing the promotional website.
A zoomed out view of a concert crowd with brightly lit stage


Vibes first, visuals second
Blue guitar pick
As with most marketing websites, this one needed to spark excitement about the platform. I created a design that was both unique and functional, serving primarily to inform Superfans about the benefits that await, like early access to superstar news and one-on-one communication via audio, video and more.
Even though musicians would be our first Notables, a key goal of the marketing site was to depict a variety of influencers and industries to show users the diverse community they could join. I chose to use silhouetted figures, recognizable by their shape, yet dynamic and organic to convey energy and motion.
Dynamic home page design with black and pink with silhouette of steampunk woman

A Closer Look

In the “What is FanCrater” section, I went into deeper detail about the platform’s capabilities, using a variety of images in an irregular grid to draw the viewer in. Some sections allow the viewer to dive deeper with more interactivity and motion to enhance the experience.
Modern web page design with teens having fun
Head’s up: This trio of screens—a page I designed from the promotional site—shows portions of the desktop application which I didn’t design.


Teenage girl using mobile device in open field
After that, I focused on seamlessly integrating Superfans and Notables through a comprehensive app onboarding process. Basically, Notables promoted their FanCrater page on social media, leading Superfans to a branded page for account sign-up or login. I won’t bore you with all the details, but I just wanted to give you a quick preview into the work I put in on this.
Wireframe and flow chart

Simplifying setup with dynamic forms

The Sign In/Account creation form featured dynamic form fields that adapted based on the user’s input from a previous field. Initially, both new and existing Superfans entered their email address. If the system recognized the email, it prompted the user for a password.

On the other hand, if the email was new, it requested the user’s full name along with other basic details for account creation. Completing just these simple steps led to the immediate creation of an account. This streamlined approach simplified the sign-up process and minimized the chance of users dropping off. With the information architecture in place, I turned my attention to the design. Here’s a peek.
Login UI design

my Pre-ChatGPT concept

After account creation, we still needed to collect additional information like phone numbers and street addresses, etc. I approached the challenge from the vantage point of how people are accustomed to interacting and communicating with one another everyday.
The concept allows prospective customers to progressively onboard and provide this additional information via a chat-inspired form. This conversational onboarding was created before ChatGPT and similar technologies were everyday experiences—lending more credence to the approach I arrived at, especially in retrospect.
Chat interface for application onboarding
Conversational onboarding: Users enter responses at the bottom and edit by clicking the pencil icon to the right of their entry.
Credit card form UX and UI design
Conversational onboarding: Collecting information that’s more sensitive in nature takes on a more commonplace aesthetic.


Subscribing to Notables
I extended the onboarding experience to allow Superfans to easily search for and subscribe to Notables they're interested in, accessible any time from the dashboard. This exploration led to my creation of a partially interactive prototype that allowed me to explore styling of some of the interactive elements as well. Here’s a look.
A list of search results
Notable search: Users search and browse Notable people to subscribe to with filtering and sorting capability. A dedicated details page follows.
Dark mode web application profile

Outcomes, and Insights

FanCrater launched with a bang, but in the end, decided to sunset the project for reasons beyond design, marketing, development etc. Despite this, teaming up with FanCrater and the work I did are treasures I don’t trade. Looking back, I learned that enhancing a standard login form with dynamic fields can really smooth things out.
I also see opportunities to improve color contrast combinations. Nevertheless, the strides we made together keep inspiring my product design journey. Every day, I'm leveling up. And for your project, that means an even brighter future. Ready to see the best ‘me’ in action? You know what to do.


Case Study

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